Bruce Brightwell
Cyber Monday is upon us. And while great bargains can be found, senior citizens need to be careful online. Continue reading
The primary focus of Medicaid planning is to protect your assets from a nursing home. But people don’t often realize WHY they want to do that. Continue reading
You can make a Medicaid application yourself. But why do that? Continue reading
Although it’s regrettable, it happens. A terrible rift develops between a parent and child and the child no longer has any contact with the parent. In those cases, you may want to consider drafting your estate plan so that child doesn’t get an equal share. Continue reading
I am always asked the question, “Can’t I just give it to my kids.” And my answer always is, “You do not want to do that.” Continue reading
Many people, after death or divorce, find themselves in second marriage, with a spouse that also has children. In that situation, Estate Planning is critically important, if you want to make sure that your children actually end up receiving any of your estate. Continue reading
A recent story from New York shows why unmarried couples need to have good estate planning. The story below, from the October 25, 2016 issue of The Advocate, shows the problems that an individual is having after his partner’s death. Although gay marriage is now legal, which can help alleviate some of these problems, there are still numerous people, regardless of orientation, who live as partners without being legally married. Individuals in that situation need to make sure they have good estate plans in place, to protect their partners after death. Continue reading