Louisville Estate Planning, Medicaid, Elder Law & Probate Litigation Lawyer


(502) 589-9254

Louisville Estate Planning, Medicaid, Elder Law & Probate Litigation Lawyer

Cyber Monday is upon us. And while great bargains can be found, senior citizens need to be careful online.A survey in USA Today on November 28, 2016, found that of those age 55 and older who were surveyed, 40% put themselves at risk by sharing financial data in the public domain.  So, there are some tips for safely shopping online.

First, have a credit card that you use only for online shopping, that has just enough credit for what you usually need, and is not tied to your bank  account in any way. That way, it is easier to spot any fraudulent transactions, any online thief is limited to how much damage they can do, and it makes it easier for you to fix any problems.

Second, don’t use a public wi-fi network for online shopping. Indeed, your home computer, on your home network, is usually the safest.

Third, don’t click on links in emails or texts. Go directly to the website, typing in the correct address yourself. Many of those links are false, feeding you to thieves’ dummy websites.

Fourth, remember, if a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.

At Brightwell Elder and Probate Law, we are committed to helping to keep elders, and their finances, safe.




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